the gateway experience
the gateway experience

the gateway experience
the gateway experience

Wave 1 - Discovery
Discovery introduces the Mind Awake/Body Asleep state (Focus 10) and other "mental tools" to help you experience states of expanded awareness. You are lead from your physical waking state into deep relaxation and then into unexplored levels of your consciousness. Discover new potentials in thought and action as your total self becomes your personal gateway into profound forms of perception.

1.1 - Orientation

This is the first step along your path to a gateway. A gateway beyond which is discovery. Your own discovery of reality, of truth, and of who and what you are.

1.2 - Affirmations
Focuses your intention and attention.

1.3 - introduction to focus 3
Where your brain and mind are more coherent, synchronized and balanced.

1.4 - Release and
Accelerates the gathering of your vibrational energy while reducing
internal dialogue.
1.5 - Exploration
Sleep is a natural Gateway into other states of consciousness. Be
open to non-physical experience.

1.6 - Free FLow
Experiment with all tools learned in Wave I. - Create your own experience
and pursue your own purpose with the tools you have just learned.